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Senior Companionship and its Benefits to Seniors' Well-Being

As our loved ones age, they may start to feel and become more socially isolated. This could be due to losing a spouse, friends moving into senior health care facilities, location, or chronic health conditions preventing them from comfortably moving around. We all know the importance of exercising and eating healthy. However, remaining connected with friends and family is critical when it comes to preventing serious health conditions. In fact, social isolation can increase the risk of anxiety, depression, and dementia. This is where the importance of senior companionship services comes in.

Read on to learn about Elite Home Health Care's services and how they will improve your loved one's mental well-being by providing social interaction and recreation.

Alleviating Loneliness and Enhancing Emotional Support

Growing older is a journey to be embraced but can also bring challenges. Along with retiring and experiencing health conditions, our senior loved ones may outlive their friends and spouses which can trigger feelings of loneliness and depression. Terefore, bringing senior companionship services to your loved ones will help enrich their lives while building meaningful relationships.

Stimulating Cognitive Function and Mental Sharpness

Cognitive function and senior companionship go hand-in-hand for those who are in the aging process. Several studies show that daily social interaction brings improved performance on cognitive tests. Having productive and positive conversations with people keep our brains agile and lower stress levels—two factors that directly correlate with overall health. Interacting with people doesn't require being a social butterfly—our loved ones can experience socialization with caregivers who provide social interaction and recreation in addition to their healthcare services. 

Fostering Social Engagement and Connection

Because older adults are more vulnerable to feeling lonely, they may feel disconnected from friends, family, and even themselves. However, there are many ways to help your loved one overcome loneliness. Although it may be a difficult conversation, compiling a list of things that make them happy is a great start. Encourage them to have tea with friends, join a book club, or even adopt a pet. Elite Home Health Care's personalized senior care options can help improve seniors physical and mental well-being. From grocery shopping to transportation, a home health aide will be there for things big and small.

Promoting a Sense of Purpose and Meaning in Life

No matter your age, socializing and talking with other people boosts memory, self-esteem, and self-worth. Over time, we may find ourselves settling into our daily routines and choosing to remain secluded. Positive relationships play an active role in improving overall life satisfaction. By engaging with people, seniors can open themselves up to new hobbies and interests which contribute to living a purposeful life. Having a home health aide is beneficial in many ways, including bringing that spark back to your loved ones' lives and developing a life-long friendship.

Providing Companionship as a Form of Stress Relief

Whether it's with one person or a group of people, participating in activities with others encourages healthy lifestyle habits that relieve stress. It's much easier to go on a walk, to the cinema, or play cards when you have someone else to enjoy these things with. Not to mention, simply talking with another person is therapeutic in nature. Senior mental health is a subject that is often overlooked. Stress relief through senior companionship will ignite healthy behavior in all aspects of your loved one's life.

Elite Home Health Caregivers Specialize in Offering Individualized Care

From senior companionship services to hospice and palliative care, our healthcare providers are qualified experts who are devoted to compassionate home health care. Contact Elite Home Health Care today to learn about the array of services we can provide your loved one.

Written by: Leah Ganz
Director of Patient Services

Leah Ganz, RN, BSN is the Director of Patient Services at Elite Home Health Care. She has an extensive background in homecare and previously worked in various specialties including pediatrics, pain managemnet and internal medicine. She oversees allpatient services across Elite's departments.