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What to Know About Eating Aids for Seniors With Tremors

If you begin to see shaking occur as your elderly loved ones move around or reach for objects, there's no reason for immediate panic. Shaking often comes with age. Tremors are classified as either resting or action. As the name suggests, resting tremors occur when the body is relaxed and action tremors occur during a target-directed movement or when a specific part of a body is pressed in a position against gravity. Consulting with a medical professional is the best way to determine if your loved one is experiencing age-related tremors or if it is an effect of cognitive impairment such as dementia, Parkinson's, or a stroke. Tremors can be a burden, specifically when it comes to eating. Here's what to know about how to adapt with eating aids.

Adaptive Utensils as Eating Aids

If your senior loved one is having difficulty eating independently, it can discourage them from eating entirely. Arthritis is another common ailment that elderly individuals often face which can also hinder their eating habits, so keep in mind these helpful tools that will ensure they receive proper nutrition.

Adaptive Cutlery

Adaptive cutlery such as non-weighted, non-slip knives, forks, and spoons are wide-set, which allows for more dexterity. The silicone handles are food and dishwasher-safe. Angled utensils are another helpful tool that makes it easier for them to guide their hands.

Adult Sippy Cups

Adult sippy cups will prevent spilling on tables and clothes. This adult sippy cup allows seniors to drink more independently. If bed-ridden, it allows them to angle the cup towards their mouth without spilling.

Food Plate Guards

Food plate guards are used to prevent food from spilling off the plate as hands shake. A person experiencing hand tremors may feel overwhelmed, thinking they are creating a mess or get discouraged from eating if they can't successfully pierce food with their fork. This plate guard will provide extra support as they move their utensils around.

Table Trays for Eating Aids

Table trays will come in handy if they prefer sitting in their recliner over an unsupportive chair positioned at the kitchen table. An easy-to-maneuver table tray will also allow them to get up and sit down with comfort.

Adult Bibs

Adult bibs are nothing to be ashamed of. While we would love to see our loved ones be able to successfully eat without feeling embarrassed from a mess, sometimes that's inevitable. Consider purchasing adult bibs and avoid staining clothes.

Suctioned Bowls

Suctioned bowls stick to the table so that they don't accidentally get knocked off, causing a big mess. They will be able to scoop out their food effortlessly.

Cutting Boards With an Attached Knife for Eating Aids

Cutting boards with an attached knife is a clever and safe tool that will aid in their independence while cooking. The attached knife allows for easy movement while cutting food and removable for cleaning.

Home Health Aid Benefits

It's important to remember that although home health aides do help your senior loved ones, they actually contribute to their independence rather than take it away. Needing help may be something seniors aren't ready to admit. However, having assistance in the comfort of their own home will allow them to maintain their lifestyle and stick to their normal routines. Not to mention, it's a safe alternative to a nursing home and will bring relief to family members, knowing their loved ones are in good hands.

Elite Home Health Care provides a full range of in-home services suited to fit your senior loved one's needs. Whether you are searching for professional help during a surgical recovery or in search of hospice and palliative care, we can provide personalized care plans for you and your family. Call today to receive more information about our services, staff, and financial plans. Our goal is to make things as easy as possible.

Written by: Leah Ganz
Director of Patient Services

Leah Ganz, RN, BSN is the Director of Patient Services at Elite Home Health Care. She has an extensive background in homecare and previously worked in various specialties including pediatrics, pain managemnet and internal medicine. She oversees allpatient services across Elite's departments.